Follow the link below to read the complete set of Phase 3 Guidelines

Virginia Phase Three Guidelines

A Message from Pastor Tony Kohout:

Greetings to all in Jesus!

We pray that all of you are doing well. What a blessing it is to be able to gather at the church now even with regulated services.  

We continue to understand that indoor corporate worship my or may not be the best option for you and your family at this point in time.  With that understanding, we are striving to continue our Facebook and Website Livestream and doing as best we can.  For those of you who are able to meet, we are grateful to engage in the singing of truths through worship time and sharing the Word of God with you.  

As it stands, our local officials have made a proclamation to continue the use of face coverings in our community.  While we meet at church, we do want to do all that is required of us.  Therefore, whenever we are at the church and are in direct contact with others, we do need to maintain the social distancing requirements.  Face masks are also welcomed in the lobby and while traveling down the hallways as well. We recognize that this may go against some personal preferences.  However, this is an opportunity to practice submission to the local authorities as the scripture instructs (Romans 13:1-7) as well as basic (or extravagant for some) neighborly love displayed and instructed in Romans 13:8-10, Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 22.39, etc.  There are certain times in history that governing authorities places decrees and regulations on the lives of believers that went against our faith, but we do not believe that this is one of those instances.  In that light, we are requesting that the Buford Road Family engages with this request. 

To that end, we believe that we are able to safely social distance once we are seated in the auditorium.  We are asking that as you approach and make you way through the lobby, that you do wear a face mask unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. 

What a blessing it is to be able to be back in church.  Thank you for being a part of this ministry.  

With a Shepherd’s Love,  

Pastor Tony

We have returned to in-person worship but church looks a little different:

1. Temperatures are taken at the door

2. Arrive early so you can be seated 6 feet apart

3. Masks are a state mandate, please respect others. We have disposable masks and face shields.

4. Please do not use the hymnals

5. Please no contact with others

6. Please wash hands and use hand sanitizer often



CDC’s Main COVID-19 Web page:

Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 Web page:

Virginia Governor’s COVID-19 Web page:

Virginia’s State Health Portal:

Virginia’s Website:
Links and information to CDC, Department of Health, DMV, Daily Briefings/Announcements by the Governor, the VA Employment Commission, and more.